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07 May 2010

Weekend is Within My Grasp...

It's Friday.


One week down (not quite, yet I just have to get through my web design class and 7th hour xD ), three more to go until I'm done with my sophomore year and summer break can begin!! :D I get out on the 27th, then study for finals all Memorial Day weekend, and then finals the first week of June. Then I'm free.

I'm so happy. 8'D Though I thought sophomore year of high school wasn't so bad! o.o Everyone says that sophomore and junior year are killer, but...it wasn't that challenging for me. Probably because I'm not in honors chemistry. xD I'm pretty sure I'll have a hell of a junior year, if I think soph year wasn't too difficult. Because I have to take speeeeech. And that shall be my downfall. :'( Gaaah...

But anyways, I'm glad that the weekend's only about an hour away. (: I have a lot of schoolwork that I have to get finished over the weekend, but I'll have enough time...hopefully I won't put everything off until Sunday. ^^; I have a slight feeling that that might happen. *shrugs shoulders*

0 people surrendering to my insanity >:D: