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08 May 2010

Busy Busy Saturday

Geez, from the second I woke up this morning, I've been running around non-stop. X__x But I'm cool with that, because I like to be busy.

Woke up at around 9ish, which is pretty late for me (I'm usually up at 8:00 or so, yet I was up until 1:30AM last night). Got ready and mom and I had to go clean my cousin's house. :P And boy, we're NEVER going back there again. The place was a freaking pig-sty!! A pile of dirty dishes in the sink (that have probably been in there for a couple of days), dust EVERYWHERE, the bathroom a wet MESS...it was NOT fun. My mom was mad as a hatter because of how messy and how much of a slob my 25 year old or so cousin is...we almost walked out. .__. But we didn't, and we made $50though, so not all is lost. Mom gave me &20. :3 Yaaaay I finally have money!!

So THAT was a great start to a Saturday. :P We got out of the house at 2, went home, chilled on the computer for a half hour, and had to get ready for my boyfriend Ryan's sister's First Communion party (my third communion party this month!) I got to the party at 3:30ish, and I met Ryan's family, who are all Polish. :3 It was interesting, because at times they would speak Polish. lol. xD And they had CAAAAKE!!! @__@ AND PINBALL!!! Their basement's like a mini arcade/casino or somethin'. It's pretty boss.

Being quite bored at the party, me, Ryan, and his older brother Tom went out and about on a car ride. xD We went to put-put, but that was closed because of the rain (it was hardly raining, though. I was maaadd. ==" ), yet we saw a really pretty rainbow!! 8D Then we drove away and went to Kroger and walked around, acting crazy.

Aaaaaand now I'm home. ._. With a LOT of work to do for school...a Romeo and Juliet poster for my friend, have to read up to chapter six of The Great Gatsby, and a history paper. Aren't I gonna have fun tonight...and tomorrow. Gaaaah. x__x

Tomorrow's mother's day as well. And I completely forgot. Dx

0 people surrendering to my insanity >:D: