~welcome to my world~

02 May 2010

Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum

Boy, this place was absolutely EPIC. @__@ One of the most random places I've ever been to in my entire life....no...let me correct myself- it WAS the most random place I've ever been in my life.


Right when me and my friends walked in, we were like, "Whoa...where the crap do we even begin?!" o__o The whole place was FILLED with all this neat, old-fashioned stuff! I honestly can't describe it....you seriously just HAVE to go there and see everything for yourself.

Here's a little summary of what my friends and I did:

  • spent the first 10 minutes or so just gawking at all the awesome, strange displays that were crammed into the joint. xD
  • tried out some of the exhibits (I got my fortune from Zelda the Fortune Teller and this old Asian guy :D ).
  • played some of the newer video games...one of 'em we all did was a jet ski one...that I got second place in. Astonishing for me, really...
  • played some pinball. I played on the Adams Family one. :D
  • almost cried because of the fact that there was a 65 pound limit on the carousel. T___T
  • watched as my boyfriend PWND Dance Dance Revolution.
  • we all crammed into a photo booth and got our picture sketched! XD Oh man, that was AWESOME...Paulina's gonna hand out a copy to me tomorrow. :3
  • won the jackpot at this Sonic the Hedgehog game!!! 500 TICKETS, BABY!!! I spent those tickets and the ones I won before on a cow Beanie Baby and a ton of Hershey Kisses. xD

And that's all I can think of at the moment. ^^; But seriously, if you're ever bored out of your mind one day, GO TO MARVIN'S. You will NOT be disappointed, I promise. *pinky promises* :)

http://www.marvin3m.com <---here's their website again, in case anyone's interested.

0 people surrendering to my insanity >:D: