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24 May 2010

bloody hot carnival...

Yesterday afternoon, my brother and I went to a school carnival (my second one this month!) located near our house. Not much to tell...the rides were pretty good for a school fair (even the little-kid rides you could go on, which was quite nice xD), the food was alright (I just bought two waters, an ice cream cone, and a box of popcorn for us to split), the games were quite lame. Didn't even bother to play them.

...but the HEAT. OMG THE HEAT WAS ATROCIOUS. Dx It hit 85+ degrees in mid-afternoon (and that's when the day is hottest), and Nick and I were walking around in that for four hours. =_= Not to mention that there was mud. MUD. EVERYWHERE. EVERYWHERE YOU WALKED, THERE WAS MUD. AND HAY. Walking around in flip-flops was NOT. FUN. I was so mad...when we went back into the huge tent to sit down, I just took a napkin and started to peel away at the layers of mud and hay caked on the bottom of my favourite flip flops. I'm not even sure if I can wear them again because of how messy and gross they look. T__T So yeah...the mud was absolutely disgusting. We probably should've went to the carnival on Saturday, even though it was rainy. Ah well. Now we know for next year. (:

I realized that there's classes of people that attend school fairs:

- insanely fat people (especially children)
- people with absolutely NO fashion sense
- teenagers who travel in packs of 5000.


0 people surrendering to my insanity >:D: