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09 May 2010

Mother's Day + Bowling Club + Art Show.

<---I drew this for my Drawing final last semester. It got into the art show!! *does a happy dance* =w=

Well, as predicted, the weekend FLEW by. Again. -__- I'm really starting to hate it...I was busy enough this weekend anyways, so I can't complain about being bored or anything.

First off--it's Mother's Day! 8D I gave my mommy much love (like I always do, hahaha), though I completely forgot about Mother's Day, so I couldn't make her a homemade card! D: And I hate going out to buy a store card, because it's not the same as a card that you make yourself. :/ So I felt really bad, but she told me that it's not a big deal. Yay. ^__^

Today was also my last day of bowling club, and of course, it's the one day I do terrible. >_< I'm not really a bad bowler, it was just a shitty bowling day for me. And of course it's the day when we're doing prizes (gift cards to Best Buy, each worth five dollars). And my bf wins six of 'em, and I walk out with nothing. I was quite discouraged. I hate when I don't win. :/ Ah well. You can only do so much with a five dollar gift card to Best Buy anyways...you virtually can buy nothing. xD Still though, I don't think the whole prize thing is fair. All the good bowlers that are in bowling club ALWAYS get the prizes. Always! >__< It sucks!!


My school's art show was today, too. ^_^ My bro, mom, and I went over and looked at all the really cool art that was up. My Mad Hatter picture that I drew for my Drawing final was submitted into the show, and I also submitted one of my original pictures. My pics didn't get any awards. :/ My Mad Hatter lost out to freaking Lady Gag-Me-Ga-Ga- 'twas a depressing defeat. -__- And some of the stuff that got Honorable Mentions wasn't even that GREAT. My friend Gina (who is an AMAZING artist) had her own wall of flipped out stuff that was just AWESOME, and she didn't get any awards either. I was actually really pissed off for her. A close-up photograph of a jean pocket won out to her stuff.

It just goes to show that art is in the eye of the beholder. Art can NOT be judged-- it's just how an individual sees a piece of art, and then they have their own opinion of it. That's all it is. I personally think that an art show shouldn't have any awards or judges criticizing work-- art should just be displayed up on the walls for all to enjoy. It shouldn't have to be a contest. (:

Okay, well, that's all I have to say. I'm gonna go jump in the tub, and then read three chapters of The Great
Gatsby. What joy awaits me~~

0 people surrendering to my insanity >:D: