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12 July 2010

luna lovegood = love :)

"Wit beyond measure is a man's greatest treasure." Luna Lovegood.

Just wanted to say how much I adore Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I re-watched the movie with my mom last night, and when Luna came on the screen we started to go crazy. We both said at the same time how much we loved her. XD

Luna's different, quirky, honest, unique...and seems to be in a trance, most of the time. XD On the outside Luna seems like a very weird girl who nobody wants to associate themselves with (her classmates even bully her, stealing her things and hiding them all throughout the castle), yet there's a part of her that's DEEP AS HELL. Like when she's talking to Harry in the forest about Voldemort wanting Harry to be isolated and cut off from everyone else-- she's very in tune with Harry, and understands his feelings. Luna considers herself one of Harry's friends, and he's compelled to consider her one of his own, too.

Not only do I like Luna's personality, but she's just so adorable to watch...like when she skips down the hallways. XD I also think her hair is beautiful. It's so long and blonde (the NICE looking blonde...not like you dipped your hair in yellow paint and the roots being black >_< ). Luna just appears so angelic to me...she's definitely included in my top five fave Harry Potter characters. :)

0 people surrendering to my insanity >:D: