~welcome to my world~

19 April 2011

ahh, a nightly rain shower..

I love 'em.
Especially at night. :D

There's just something about a nighttime thunderstorm that makes me feel at peace, despite all the thunder and lightning. It's soothing and helps me relax, for whatever reason. I could deal with storms everyday, if I had to. I wouldn't mind~

Sometimes, I feel like going outside during a thunderstorm-- just to see what it feels like. I know I'm crazy, but it's something to try...if you're mental. Which I partly am, so. I fit the category.

Just kidding. ;D

Okay, enough ranting about thunderstorms. I had a baller time with Ryan today~
We played Wario Smooth Moves, Wii Bowling, Picman, and Yahtzee. And also watched Zombieland.

Oh, quick little story: Ryan had a weird roll in Yahtzee, and didn't know what number to stick with. I told 'em to keep his 5's, but he didn't listen and kept his 3's instead. He rolled all 5's.

I'm always right. 'Nuff said.

0 people surrendering to my insanity >:D: