The first day of school is tomorrow. 9AM. Blehh. I'm excited/depressed/happy to go back...does that seem like a logical reaction?
I have quite a few problems left to go on my math packet...and I have no idea how to do them (random answer time, jaa?). I don't really know what to bring, either. My emergency form, completed math packet, schedule, and my lock for my locker are the only things that I KNOW I need to have. But what about all the freaking books?! That weighh about 20 pounds all together?
Gaaaah. Dx I want it to be the weekend already.
26 August 2010
watching summer fade away isn't that fun..
Posted by kitty :3 at 10:28 AM 0 people surrendering to my insanity >:D
Labels: summer vacation bluhh happy sad excited math packet geez
25 August 2010
swing, girlie, swing. < 3
I just returned from a 5-mile bike ride with my brother. All I gotta say is, I'm SO glad I brought a water bottle...or else I think I might have passed out along the trail. @_@ My chest STILL feels a little funny, ugh. *chugs water*
And now, a short anecdote (hopes she spelled that right...) : Before my bro and I stopped home, we went to the local park to swing (just like we always do). While we were doing so, I couldn't help but overhear a little girl sadly say to her grandma how much she wanted an Underdog and how she wanted to swing as high as my brother and myself (aww). So I asked her if she wanted a push on the swing, and she gladly accepted...and I ended up giving her two, haha.
I'm glad that I was able to make a little girl's evening better by just pushing her on the swing. It goes to show that the little things in life really DO matter, and make a huge difference. So when the opportunity arises where you can make a difference in someone else's day, hop to it.
24 August 2010
The "Bug" Night
...just don't ask about the title. XD
So anyways...I had such a lovely time last night at my friend Freddy's house with all my fraaands. There was epic sword fights, Soul Calibur IV, undercooked pizza bagels, humungous caterpillars, random hair sniffing (it's a way to find your soul mate, apparently?) a trek to the woods (it was a bitch trying to find our way out, mind you), random wrestling at 1AM, quoting random bits of Spongebob (especially the "LEEDLE LEEDLE LEEDLE LEE!!", from Patrick Star), a few guys hiding out in a bathroom closet for over a half hour, me laughing at every single flippin' thing anyone said, etc.
My good friend Ryan drove me home in his cherry-scented Cadillac. Got home at 2AM...didn't go to bed til 3:30. x__x I wasn't even tired, anyways, haha.
Yeah, so. Great night~ I WANNA RELIVE IT AGAAAAAAIN!
18 August 2010
recent artworks~
Just some more artwork of mine. ^_^ I apologize if you can't really see them all that well...I uploaded them on the "small" setting.
Posted by kitty :3 at 1:40 PM 0 people surrendering to my insanity >:D
Labels: anna artwork pictures anime drawings cute spooky witches
MOM FINALLY CAVED IN AND LET ME GO OUT ON A BIKERIDE BY MYSELF (because she thinks I'm gonna get kidnapped, raped, and die a horrible death if I go anywhere alone). AND I'M 16.
In other's been a long, long week. I don't think I've ever wanted to violently bash my foot into my brother's face as much as I do today. =__= HE WILL NOT. SHUT. UP. OR LEAVE ME AND MY MOM ALONE. IT MAKES ME WANT TO RIP MY HAIR OUT AND BANG MY HEAD AGAINST THE WALL REPEATEDLY. UGH.
Posted by kitty :3 at 1:09 PM 0 people surrendering to my insanity >:D
Labels: bicycle ride breakthrough mama bash foot into face annoying drop dead ugh
17 August 2010
warm popcorn, fresh outta the microwave~
Popcorn is so freaking delicious, I don't care who thinks otherwise. I'm currently sitting at my desk, stuffing my face with a whole bag. But I don't feel horrible about it, seeing as it's 94% less fat or something. xD
Well, my summer shall meet its demise next Friday, the 27th. My junior year of high school lurks around the corner, with me standing, apprehensively, in the dark, gloomy hallway, not sure whether to venture forward, or run back, crying like a little girl. In all honesty, I don't know whether I'm looking forward on going back to school, or absolutely dreading it. I'm dying to see all my friends (and even the teachers!) again, but my classes this year seem like they're gonna be hell of a lot harder than sophomore year. So I guess I could say that I'm excited/dreading to go back. ._.
HERE'S MY CLASSES, because I feel like typing them down (and yes, they're all in an extremely particular order):
1. Philosophy
2. Human Anatomy
3. Honors British Lit
4. AP American History
5. Honors Spanish
6. Rhetoric *insert dramatic shrieks of terror here*
7. College Algebra
And in other news: my bag of popcorn is almost gone. Waaah. T.T
Posted by kitty :3 at 6:35 PM 0 people surrendering to my insanity >:D